
Separate Authentication and Identity with OmniAuth

Your Rails app could live and die by its authentication scheme. Judges and voters are only going to spend a precious few minutes with your app, and you have to make every second count. Judges don’t want to create unique logins for every app they review, and you wouldn’t either. But you don’t need the headache of stringing together multiple libraries to support multiple authentication providers, not to mention the pain if your app is a mashup of multiple services.

OmniAuth is a recently released library from Intridea that gives you drop-in Rack middleware to authenticate with just about anything. In this guest post we’re going to walk you through how to use OmniAuth and Rails 3 to allow multiple-provider authentication in your app.

Enter OmniAuth

The first step is to add OmniAuth to your Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth'

Now we need to create an initializer to make use of the OmniAuth middleware. Easy enough, in config/intitializers/omniauth.rb add:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :twitter, 'CONSUMER_KEY', 'CONSUMER_SECRET'
  provider :facebook, 'APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET'
  provider :linked_in, 'CONSUMER_KEY', 'CONSUMER_SECRET'

You’ve actually already done quite a lot. Try running your application with rails server and navigating to /auth/twitter, /auth/facebook, or /auth/linkedin. You should (assuming you’ve set up applications with the respective providers correctly) be redirected to the appropriate site and asked to login.

Handling the Callback

Upon confirmation, you should be redirected back and get a routing error from Rails from /auth/yourprovider/callback. So let’s add a route! In config/routes.rb add:

match '/auth/:provider/callback', :to => 'sessions#create'

But of course, this points to a non-existent controller, so let’s create that as well:

rails g controller sessions

Now in our sessions_controller.rb lets add a bit of code:

class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    render :text => request.env['rack.auth'].inspect

If you start up the app again and go through the auth process, you should now see a hash that includes a whole lot of information about the user instead of a routing error. We’re on our way!

Authorizations and Users

One of the nice things about OmniAuth is that it doesn’t assume how you want to handle the authentication information, it just goes through the hard parts for you. We want users to be able to log in using one or many external services, so we’re actually going to separate users from authorizations. Let’s create simple Authorization and User models now.

rails g model authorization provider:string uid:string user_id:integer
rails g model user name:string

This creates the models we need with appropriate migrations. Notice that the User model doesn’t need to contain any information about authentication providers because we’ll model that through a relationship to the Authorization model. Set up your models like so:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :authorizations

class Authorization < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  validates_presence_of :user_id, :uid, :provider
  validates_uniqueness_of :uid, :scope => :provider

Here we’re modeling very simple relationships and making sure that the Authorization has both a provider (e.g. “twitter” or “facebook”) and a uid (i.e. the external service ID). Next up, we’ll wire these models into our controller to create a real sign in process.

Signing Up/In

One of the nice things about external authentication is you can collapse the sign up and sign in process into a single step. What we’ll do here is:

  1. When a user signs in, look for existing Authorizations for that external account.
  2. Create a user if no authorization is found.
  3. Add an authorization to an existing user if the user is already logged in.

Let’s work backwards for this functionality by adding the code we want to have to the controller. Modify the create action in SessionsController to look like this:

def create
  auth = request.env['rack.auth']
  unless @auth = Authorization.find_from_hash(auth)
    # Create a new user or add an auth to existing user, depending on
    # whether there is already a user signed in.
    @auth = Authorization.create_from_hash(auth, current_user)
  # Log the authorizing user in.
  self.current_user = @auth.user

  render :text => "Welcome, #{}."

Now let’s implement some of these methods. First up, adding some class methods to Authorization:

# in authorization.rb

def self.find_from_hash(hash)
  find_by_provider_and_uid(hash['provider'], hash['uid'])

def self.create_from_hash(hash, user = nil)
  user ||= User.create_from_hash!(hash)
  Authorization.create(:user => user, :uid => hash['uid'], :provider => hash['provider'])

Now we need to add the method referenced above to the User class:

# in user.rb

def self.create_from_hash!(hash)
  create(:name => hash['user_info']['name'])

Finally, we need to add some helpers to ApplicationController to handle user state:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  def current_user
    @current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session[:user_id])

  def signed_in?

  helper_method :current_user, :signed_in?

  def current_user=(user)
    @current_user = user
    session[:user_id] =

Voila! Now a user can sign in using any of their accounts and a User will automatically be fetched or created. This is merely a small jumping off point, but from here it would be trivial to do any of the following:

  • Show the user a list of services that they’re connected to and let them connect to additional ones (creating Authorizations) or delete existing connections.
  • Provide a sign out (just delete the :user_id from the session.)
  • Connect to APIs of the authenticating services (add token and secret to Authorization, and store them from the auth key of the rack.auth hash).

We hope that you’ll consider dropping OmniAuth into your Rails Rumble application  and this post has given you a good foundation for fast and easy multi-provider authentication in Rails 3 with OmniAuth.

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